Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pizookie, a.k.a. Manna from Heaven

I was looking for something this weekend on and came across this funny post about

I've had the privilege of having both a Pizookie from B.J.'s and an ORiGiNAL Pizza Cookie from Oregano's. I favor the Oregano's version... but am not embarrassed to admit to loving the B.J.'s version too! It is a fun dessert to enjoy on date night... or for a fun family night treat!! I found 6-inch cake tins at Smart and Final... perfect for a homemade version!


Molly said...

So I hear from someone at BJ's that they are the original - not Oreganos. Which is why they have the name Pizookie and Oreganos has the name pizza cookie. Hmmm... I actually prefer BJ's only becasue I have had both in the last two weeks (Lucky me!) and the Oreganos one was way under done - I like them gooey but this was like raw!